• Like 64% of Americans and based on the 1973 Supreme Court ruling of Roe v. Wade, Mr. Williams fully supports a Woman’s right to choose. He believes abortion should remain safe, legal, codify into law, covered by insurance, and available for free to anyone who cannot afford to pay. He favors exceptions to late-term abortions in the case of rape, incest, and the Mothers’ health being endangered. Also, victims of rape should have emergency contraceptions made available by hospitals right on the spot to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

• Mr. Williams supports federal funding for Planned Parenthood health centers. It’s important for all women (regardless of race, income, insurance, gender identity, sexual orientation, abilities, or immigration status) to have access to services such as — preventive care, including birth control, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, and screenings for cervical and other cancers.

• Mr. Williams believes prices on all female hygienic products and birth control should be equally affordable as it is for males. 

• Mr. Williams fully supports that both parents who are separated, have full visitation rights and provide proper care for the well-being of their children(s). Also, the parent who is to receive child support payment MUST prove to the courts where the money is going.

• Mr. Williams encourages people to adopt or sponsor a child through the many charitiable organizations within the United States or globally to help uplift billions of youth out of poverty, and build meaningful rapport with them.

• Drinking and driving is illegal! Drunk or impaired drivers convicted of vehicular homicide should be held accountable, even after being incarcerated, and ordered to pay restitution in the form of child support to each of the victim’s children until they’re 18 years old and graduate high school.

• Ecological awareness is critical to this nation’s welfare. By providing economic incentives and education, people will take individual responsibility for their immediate surroundings ensuring that the Earth is well taken care of and resources will be available for future generations.

• Every Human being has the right to safe, clean, affordable, and accessible water. In our civil society, it is imperative that the local government(s) do their part to maintain those standards.

• Mr. Williams is opposed to Hydraulic fracturing (Fracking) as the science has shown it puts Arsenic in groundwater tables, causes Earthquakes, consumes vast amounts of water while contaminating it along with the air and soil. Alternative sources of energy like -Solar, Wind, Hydro-power and Bio-fuel are the future and much more environmentally friendlier.

• Replace Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) with Medicare for All. This will establish cost efficiency that eliminates major health care bills and medical related bankruptcies. It will simplify our way of paying for health care and lower the total cost for the United States. It will be good for the physical and financial health of Americans.

Note: Medicare for All does not cover  prescription drugs, vision and dental care in which those cost are handled separately by supplementary insurance plans.

• Mr. Williams is opposed to GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organism). But believes that all edible goods (GMO/Non-GMO) should be labeled by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) keeping the consumers better informed of their purchases.

• Mr. Williams favors a carbon tax on big business emitters.