• The United States gives around $100 billion in foreign aid each year, to nearly every country on Earth. Although foreign aid is given with  good intentions, taxpayers nationwide end up funding wealthy bureaucrats, overseas terrorist organizations indirectly, or countries that are hostile towards the U.S., who in return use our own money against us. We need to selectively revaluate our giving of foreign aid. 

• Mr. Williams is strongly in favor of having our military at home on American soil protecting our nation, instead of policing the world. However, he is in favor of temporary military assistance to the allied nations (via their request for us to help them out & Congressional approval) when they come under attack from an enemy force(s).

• Mr. Williams believes Taiwan should remain sovereign and independent, and not be forced into joining China’s mainland.

• Mr. Williams believes Israel has a right to exist, as well as Palestine does. He supports a peaceful resolution as the majority of Israelis and Palestinians do for a two-state solution.

• As of 2022, 139 countries recognize Palestine (Gaza strip, West Bank, & East Jerusalem) as a sovereign nation. Mr. Williams believes the United States should officially recognize Palestine as well.

• Mr. Williams supports Puerto Rico being included into the union as the 51st state. He also believes that they should have a choice in having sovereignty in free association with the U.S. or being entirely independent.

• Mr. Williams supports Ukraine’s efforts against Putin’s Russian aggression.

• Just like the Pontian Greeks and Assyrian Christians, Mr. Williams fully supports the recognition of the Armenian Genocide. With the terrible tragedy that was the Holocaust that took 11 Million lives (1.1 Million children, 6 Million Jews, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Same-sex individuals, handicapped persons, and Gypsies) during World War 2 – the Armenian Genocide (which took the lives of 1.5 Million Armenians during World War 1 in 1915) serves as the predecessor of an important history lesson that should never be repeated or imitated.